If you have been in a minor accident that damaged your bumper, you may be reluctant to have it fixed out of monetary concerns. Many auto body shops you visit will tell you that your bumper needs to be replaced rather than repaired, especially if you have a plastic bumper. After receiving a large quote for the cost of replacing your bumper, you may have decided that you’ll just “live with it” for the time being.
But if cost is your concern, there’s no reason to drive around town with a damaged bumper! If you live in Tempe, Phoenix, Glendale, Scottsdale, or the surrounding areas, Arizona Collision Center offers quality bumper repair at extremely reasonable rates.
Most vehicles on the road today have plastic bumpers that are actually covers for metal bumpers underneath. A plastic bumper can resist damage more easily, but can still be dented, scratched, or punctured with significant impact. Back in the old days, you might just fix your dinged metal bumper yourself with spray paint and body filler. But with the arrival of plastic bumpers, a repair job requires more specialized training, technique and technology. For a truly seamless repair of your scratched or damaged plastic bumper, contact the professionals at Arizona Collision Center.
We offer several options to help you with a damaged bumper. If the damage is extensive, we can replace your bumper quickly and at a fair price. Our state-of-the-art equipment and bumper repair techniques allow us to fix most accident damage, however. Not having to replace the bumper means saving in labor costs, and we often won’t have to remove the bumper to fix the damage. Fixing your bumper, rather than replacing it, is an economical, environmentally-friendly choice. And in many cases, we can have the job done the same day you bring your car in!
For a free estimate, please call us at 480-668-3105 or stop by our Tempe auto body shop, where customer satisfaction always comes first.
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